Hart College of Cardiac Sonography & Health Care Inc.

safe food handling

Start your career with a safe food handling certificate

Safe food handling training and certification are crucial to prevent food poisoning and other health hazards. Many provinces and territories have mandatory regulations for food handling certification. Consequently, hiring managers are legally obligated to hire Certified Food Handlers. Your Food Handler Certification can provide you with a significant advantage over other job candidates.

What you should know about safe food handling certification

As per federal and provincial laws, all food businesses and related organizations must either have Certified Food Handlers on staff or certify their employees. The specific training requirements may differ depending on the province or territory where the business is located. However, as a general rule, food establishments should have at least one Certified Food Handler present during all hours of operation. During a health inspection, local inspectors will verify that the business has fulfilled these obligations.

Choosing the right safe food handling certification course is crucial, as not all courses hold the same value. It is essential to ensure that the course you select is delivered by a government-approved provider for your qualification to be valid. Please note that some providers may only be approved in certain provinces, so choose the course that best suits your needs. Moreover, keeping your Food Handler certificate up-to-date is important, as it usually expires after five years in most provinces and territories.

A safe food handling certificate is required to work with food

All food workers must undergo food safety training, regardless of industry, as the law considers anyone who works with food.

  • hotels and motels
  • bars, pubs and clubs
  • event and conference centres
  • casinos and gaming venues
  • market stalls
  • convenience stores
  • supermarkets
  • service stations
  • butchers, delis and bakeries
  • food-based charity organizations
  • catering businesses
  • hospitals and hospices
  • childcare or aged care facilities
  • school cafeterias 
  • food processing facilities
  • canneries and breweries
  • food delivery and storage services

Be job-ready for your career as a safe food handler

Are you interested in obtaining a certification as a Food Handler? It’s essential to ensure that food handling practices are safe to prevent food poisoning and protect your customers and business from expensive incidents. Completing a Food Handler training course approved by the government, such as the one provided by Hart College, is widely recognized and approved by Canadian Health Inspectors, and your qualification will be valid throughout Canada.

Additionally, obtaining a certification as a food handler can increase your chances of obtaining a job, as hiring managers are required to hire individuals with this certification. It can also help you stand out from the competition and advance in your career, as you will be the go-to person for food safety questions or solutions in the workplace. So, don’t wait any longer and take the first step towards becoming an expert on food safety by enrolling in a Food Handler training course today!